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Chat with your emails and documents, completely in private

A small-but-mighty AI on your computer that gives you superpowers without having to trust a third-party.

Apple M1 and above
Coming soon

Customize & monetize

Build a connector using our framework on Github

How it works

cloud diagram

Why we built this

Cooper and Mark first met in 2016 at PayJoy, which developed groundbreaking on-device software to enable consumer finance in emerging markets. Mark and Phil first met in 2010 at a company then called Facebook, where Phil was one of the first 20 engineers.

They have been focused on deploying AI for the last couple of years, but noticed how difficult it was for consumers and infosec teams to be able to implement solutions on their own data. They decided to team up to solve this problem with this useful little app.

We hope you like it!

A picture of the three founders responsible by Knapsack app. From the left to the right: Philip Fung, Cooper and Mark Heynen

Let's Talk

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